Retreat Chairman Honored for Development on Jekyll Island / by JJ Singh

Retreat Board Chair, and LNWA Co-Managing Principal, Dave Curtis was recently honored by the Georgia Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus (GACVB) for his work in revitalizing Jekyll Island. The Bill Hardman Sr. Product Development Tourism Champion Award was awarded to Curtis last month. The award is specifically given to a partner agency or individual for outstanding work in attracting capital investments for tourism projects.

“It was an honor to present Dave Curtis with the 2023 Product Development Tourism Champion Award. I, like many others, have enjoyed seeing the growth and revival of Jekyll Island, and we recognize that partnerships like this are an important part of the tourism industry’s continued success,” said Jay Markwalter, GACVB executive director.

Curtis and LNWA began working on Jekyll Island decades ago in restoring the historic Jekyll Island Club. The 1985 project had renovations in excess of $20 million.

“Dave and LNWA have been an instrumental part of making Jekyll Island what it is today, through their ongoing private/public investment partnership,” said Jones Hooks, executive director of the Jekyll Island Authority (JIA). “From his first day on the island all those decades ago, Dave not only believed in Jekyll, but he was also able to convince others to believe in Jekyll. We are all very grateful for his vision and willingness to accept some challenges and stick with us through these many years.”

You can read more here in the Brunswick News: Brunswick New Article